Ride of the Valkyires

Client: Studio 58, Langara College
Services: Illstruation, Graphic design
Industry: Arts & Culture

“Do great work, it will shine.”

This illustration was my final project for school back in 2015. One day after graduation, my instructor Brandon emailed me and asked for permission to use my illustration for a collaboration between the design program and theatre program.
This was not only because, by coincidence, the name of the student play matched the theme of the illustration, but also because I was the top student of Brandon’s illustration class. When the opportunity came up, Brandon recalled my work and gave me the recommendation.
This sentimental memory marks the beginning of my graphic design career, and makes me believe that for all the great work you do, you will be remembered and appreciated.


“Apocalypse Now”

The illustration was inspired by the early German era of Arts and Craft moment. The use of high-contrast colors, such as black, white, red and gold, provides classic and modern appeal; the composition of the Valkyries, sets off an epic and dramatic flow; Finally, the digital mimicry of the brush texture, delivers a hint of tactile artistry.